A regional-scale consideration of the effects of species richness on above-ground biomass in temperate natural grasslands of China

作  者:Wang GH, Li H, An M, Ni J, Ji SJ, Wang J
刊物名称:Journal of Vegetation Science
卷:22  期:3  页码:414-424


influences of bioclimatic factors and grazing. At the four reduced sample size levels, the positive effect held true for most cases in 400 observations (> 92%).


Contrary to observations in previous studies in natural grasslands, our data showed a positive effect of species richness on above-ground biomass. This suggests that, as a short-term effect of diversity on productivity, niche complementarity among coexisting species tends to be an important process in arid and semi-arid natural grasslands. We hold that biodiversity conservation is among the fundamental approaches required to maintain productivity of grasslands in arid and semi-arid areas.