姓  名: 漆小泉
职务/职称: 研究员、研究组组长
联系电话: (86)-010-62836671
电子邮件: xqi@ibcas.ac.cn
个人网页: http://www.klpmp.ibcas.ac.cn/kydw/njsl/qxq/202101/t20210111_615148.html
课 题 组: 植物代谢与抗病研究组

 漆小泉,中国科学院植物研究所研究员,博士生导师。中国科学院人才计划入选者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。1984年获华中农业大学学士学位,1990年获英国伯明翰大学获硕士学位,1994-1998年在荷兰瓦根宁根大学学习,获博士学位。1998年至2006年在英国John Innes Center从事博士后研究,后期任高级研究助理。主要从事植物发育和代谢生物学研究,迄今在Nat CommunNat Chem BiolAnnu Rev PhytopatholPNASPlant CellMol PlantSCI期刊发表研究论文70余篇,被引用3400余次。出版《植物代谢组学方法与应用》中英文专著各1部。获授权中国专利18项,申请国际专利(PCT2项。任国际萜类代谢(Terpnet 2017)第13届执行委员会主席;国际细胞色素P450多样性及生物技术大会第13 - 15届(2020)学术委员会委员;中国植物学会第一届监事会监事,中国植物生理与分子生物学学会和中国生物物理学会代谢组学分会理事;担任Front Plant Sci和植物学报杂志副主编及Plant Biotechnol JTheor Appl Genet等编委。











3.“吉林地区水稻轻简化栽培的专用优质品种培育及技术集成”,院地合作项目,(项目编码:2021SYHZ0035(2021.12.21-2022.12.31),资助资金21万元, 项目负责人。




7.“水稻等作物湿敏不育技术体系与不育系创制”,重点研发项目,(批准号:2022YFF1003504-005)(2022.12.1-2027.11.30, 资助资金60万元,子课题负责人。


9. “燕麦基因组编辑与新材料创制”,先导A类,(批准号:XDA26030301-2)(2020.11.01-2025.10.31),资助资金75万元,参加人。




Chang-Feng Guo, Xing-Chen Xiong, Huan Dong, Xiaoquan Qi*. 2022. Genome-wide investigation and transcriptional profiling of the oxidosqualene cyclase (OSC) genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 60(6):1378-1392.

Jing Wang, Yanhong Guo, Xue Yin, Xiaoning Wang, Xiaoquan Qi* & Zheyong Xue*. 2022. Diverse triterpene skeletons are derived from the expansion and divergent evolution of 2,3- oxidosqualene cyclases in plants. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol.,57(2):113-132.

Yuange Wang, Fei Du, Jian Wang, Ke Wang, Caihuan Tian, Xiaoquan Qi, Fei Lu, Xigang Liu, Xingguo Ye and Yuling Jiao*. 2022. Improving bread wheat yield through modulating an unselected AP2/ERF gene. Nat Plants., 8(8):930-939.

Zhong Zhang, Qianqian Shi, Bin Wang, Aimin Ma, Yongkang Wang, Qingtun Xue, Bingqi Shen, Halina Hamaila, Tang Tang, Xiaoquan Qi, Alisdair R. Fernie, Jie Luo,* and Xingang Li*. 2022. Jujube metabolome selection determined the edible properties acquired during domestication. The Plant Journal, 109, 1116–1133.


Laibao Feng, Aimin Ma, Bo Song, Sibin Yu, Xiaoquan Qi*. 2021. Mapping causal genes and genetic interactions for agronomic traits using a large F2 population in rice. G3, 11(11), jkab318.

Ying Ma, Guanghong Cui*, Tong Chen, Xiaohui Ma, Ruishan Wang, Baolong Jin, Jian Yang, Liping Kang, Jinfu Tang, Changjiangsheng Lai, Yanan Wang, Yujun Zhao, Ye Shen, Wen Zeng, Reuben J. Peters , Xiaoquan Qi*, Juan Guo* & Luqi Huang*. 2021. Expansion within the CYP71D subfamily drives the heterocyclization of tanshinones synthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza. Nat Commun., 12(1):685.

Aimin Ma and Xiaoquan Qi*. 2021. Mining plant metabolomes: Methods, applications, and perspectives. Plant Communications, 2(5):100238.


Xufan Lian , Xiuli Zhang , Fei Wang , Xiaoning Wang , Zheyong Xue* , Xiaoquan Qi*. 2020. Characterization of a 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase in the toosendanin biosynthetic pathway of Melia toosendan. Physiologia Plantarum. 170(4):528-536.

Duan LX, Ma AM, Meng XB, Shen GA, Qi XQ*. 2020. QPMASS: A parallel peak alignment and quantification software for the analysis of large-scale gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based metabolomics datasets. Journal of Chromatography A, 1620-460999.


Liu MY, Zhang CJ, Duan LX, Luan QQ, Li JL, Yang AG, Qi XQ*, Ren ZH. 2019. CsMYB60 is a key regulator of flavonols and proanthocyanidans that determine the colour of fruit spines in cucumber. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70: 69-84.

Zhang YC, Chi X, Feng LB, Wu XW, Qi XQ*. 2019. Improvement of multiplex semi-nested PCR system for screening of rare mutations by high-throughput sequencing. BioTechniques, 67(6):294-298.

Wang Yajun, Sudeep Subedi, Harmen de Viries, Pieter Doornenbal, Anton Vels, Goetz Hensel, Jochen Kumlehn, Paul A. Johnston, Xiaoquan QiLkram Blilou, Rient E.Niks*, Simon G.Krattinger*. 2019. Orthologous receptor kinases quantitatively affect the host status of barley to leaf rust fungi. Nature Plants, 5:1129-1135.

Wu Hongyu, Xue Xiaodong, Qin Caihua, Xu Yi , Guo Yuyu, Li Xiang, Lv Wei, Li Qinxia, Mao Chuangxue, Li Luzhao, Zhao Suzhen, Qi Xiaoquan, An Hailong*. 2019. An Efficient System for Ds Transposon Tagging in Brachypodiurn distachyon. Plant physiology, 180(1):56-65.


Xue ZY, Xu X, Zhou Y, Wang XN, Zhang YC, Liu D, Zhao BB, Duan LX, Qi XQ*. 2018. Deficiency of a triterpene pathway results in humidity-sensitive genic male sterility in rice. Nat. Commun., 9: 604.

Xue ZY, Tan ZW, Huang AC, Zhou Y, Sun JC, Wang XN, Thimmappa RB, Stephenson MJ, Osbourn A*, Qi XQ*. 2018. Identification of key amino acid residues determining product specificity of 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase in Oryza species. New Phytol., 218: 1076-1088.


Duan LX, Molnár I, Snyder J, Shen GA, Qi XQ*. 2016. Discrimination and quantification of true biological signals in LC-MS-based metabolomics analysis. Molecular Plant, doi:10.1016/j.molp.2016.05.009. 

An TY, Cai YL, Zhao SZ, Zhou JH, Song B, Bux H, Qi XQ*. 2016. Brachypodium distachyonT-DNA insertion lines: a model pathosystem to study nonhost resistance to wheat stripe rust. Scientific Reports, 6: 25510. 


Cui GH, Duan LX, Jin BL, Qian J, Xue ZY, Shen GA, Snyder J, Song JY, Chen SL, Huang LQ, Peters R, Qi XQ. 2015. Functional divergence of diterpene syntheses in the medicinal plant Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. Plant Physiology, 169: 1607-1618 

Niks R, Qi XQ, Marcel T. 2015. Quantitative resistance to biotrophic filamentous plant pathogens: Concepts, misconceptions, and mechanisms. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 53: 445-470. 


Xie LX, Tan ZW, Zhou Y, Xu RB, Feng LB, Xing YZ, Qi X*. 2014. Identification and fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci for seed vigor in germination and seedling establishment in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 56: 749-759. 

Shang Y, Ma YS, Zhou Y, Zhang HM, Duan LX, Chen HM, Zeng JG, Zhou Q, Wang SH, Gu WJ, Liu M, Ren JW, Gu XF, Zhang SP, Wang Y,Yasukawa K, Bouwmeester H, Qi XQ, Zhang ZH, Lucas W, Huang SW*. 2014. Biosynthesis, regulation, and domestication of bitterness in cucumber. Science, 346: 1084-1088. 

Chi X, Zhang YC, Xue ZY, Feng LB, Liu HQ, Wang F and Qi XQ*. 2014. Discovery of rare mutations in extensively pooled DNA samples using multiple target enrichment. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 12: 709-717. 


Snyder J and Qi XQ*. 2013. BIOSYNTHESIS metal matters. Nat Chem Biol, 9: 295-296   

Sun JC, Xu X, Xue ZY, Snyder JH, Qi X*. 2013. Functional analysis of a rice oxidosqualene cyclase through total gene synthesis. Mol Plant 6: 1726-1729. 


Duan LX, Chen TL, Li M, Chen M, Zhou YQ, Cui GH, Zhao AH, Jia W, Huang LQ and Qi X*. 2012. Use of metabolomics approach to characterize Chinese medicinal material Huangqi. Mol Plant, 5: 376-386 

Cao XH, Zhou JH, Gong XP, Zhao GY, Jia JZ and Qi X*. 2012. Identification and validation of a major quantitative trait locus for slow-rusting resistance to stripe rust in wheat. J Integr Plant Biol, 54: 330344  

Xue ZY, Duan LX, Liu D, Guo J, Ge S, Dicks J, óMáille P, Osbourn A, Qi X*. 2012. Divergent evolution of oxidosqualene cyclases in plants.New Phytol, 193: 1022-1038 

Osbourn A, Papadopoulou KK, Qi X, Field B, Wegel E. 2012. Finding and analyzing plant metabolic gene clusters. Methods Enzymol, 517:113-38 


Wang LJ, Wang YJ, Wang Z, Marcel TC, Niks RE, Qi X*. 2010. The phenotypic expression of QTLs for partial resistance to barley leaf rust during plant development. Theor Appl Genet, 121:857-864 

Wu XD, Qi X*. 2010. Genes encoding hub and bottleneck enzymes of the Arabidopsis metabolic network preferentially retain homeologs through whole genome duplication. BMC Evol Biol, 10:145 

Mugford ST, Qi X, Bakht S, Hill L, Wegel E, Hughes RK, Papadopoulou K, Melton R, Philo M, Sainsbury F, Lomonossoff GP, Deb RA, Goss,RJM, Osbourn A. 2009. A serine carboxypeptidase-like acyltransferase is required for synthesis of antimicrobial compounds and disease resistance in oats. Plant Cell, 21: 2473-2484 

Zhao SZ, Qi X*. 2008. Signaling in plant disease resistance and symbiosis. J Integr Plant Biol, 50(7}: 799-807 

Mylona P, Owatworakit A, Papadopoulou K, Jenner H, Qin B, Findlay K, Hill L, Qi X, Bakht S, Melton R, Osbourn A. 2008. Sad3 and Sad4 are required for saponin biosynthesis and root development in oat. Plant Cell, 20(1): 201-212 

Qi X, Bakht S, Qin B, Leggett M, Hemmings A, Mellon F, Eagles J, Werck- Reichhart D, Schaller H, Lesot A, Melton R, Osbourn A. 2006. A different function for a member of an ancient and highly conserved cytochrome P450 familyFrom essential sterols to plant defense. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 103: 18848-18853 

Bakht S, Qi X*. 2005. Ligation mediated rolling-circular amplification (RCA) based approaches to SNP detection. Expert Rev Mol Diagn, 5: 111-116 

Qi X, Pittaway TS, Lindup S, Liu H, Waterman E, Padi FK, Hash CT, Zhu J, Gale MD, Devos KM. 2004. An integrated genetic map and a new set of SSR markers for pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum. Theor Appl Genet, 109: 1485-1493 

Qi X, Bakht S, Leggett M, Maxwell C, Melton R, Osbourn A. 2004. Clustered genes for secondary metabolism in oat-Implications for the evolution of metabolic diversity in plants. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 101: 8233-8238 

Osbourn AE, Qi X, Townsend B, Qin B. 2003. Dissecting plant secondary metabolism constitutive chemical defenses in cereals. New Phytol, 159: 101-108 

Haralampidis K, Bryan G, Qi X, Papadopoulou K, Bakht S, Melton R, Osbourn A. 2001. A new class of oxidosqualene cyclases directs synthesis of antimicrobial phytoprotectants in monocots. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 98: 13431-13436 

Qi X*, Bakht S, Devos KM, Gale MD, Osbourn A. 2001. L-RCA (ligation-rolling circle amplification): a general method for genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Nucleic Acid Res, 29: e116 

Qi X*, Lindup S, Pittaway TS, Allouis S, Gale MD, Devos KM. 2001. Development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) without sub-cloning. BioTechniques, 31: 355-362 

Allouis S, Qi X, Lindup S, Gale MD, Devos KM. 2001. Construction of a pearl millet BAC library using pBAC/SACB1a positive selection vectorTheor Appl Genet, 102: 1200-1205 

Qi X*, Fufa F, Sijtsma D, Niks RE, Lindhout P, Stam P. 2000. The evidence for abundance of QTLs for partial resistance to Puccinia hordei on the barley genome. Mol Breed, 6: 1-9 

Qi X*, Jiang GL, Chen WQ, Niks RE, Stam P, Lindhout P. 1999. Isolate-specific QTLs for partial resistance to Puccinia hordei in barley. Theor Appl Genet, 99: 877-884 

Qi X*, Niks RE, Stam P, Lindhout P. 1998. Identification of QTLs for partial resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) in barley. Theor Appl Genet, 96: 1205-1215 

Qi X*, Stam P, Lindhout P. 1998. Use of locus-specific AFLP markers to construct a high-density molecular map in barley. Theor Appl Genet, 96: 376-384 

Schut JW, Qi X, Stam P. 1997. Relationship between AFLP based genetic similarities and coefficients of co-ancestry in barleyTheor Appl Genet ,95: 1161-1168 

Qi X*, Lindhout P. 1997. Development of AFLP markers in barleyMol Gen Genet, 254: 330-336 

Qi X*, Stam P, Lindhout P. 1996. Comparison and integration of four barley genetic maps. Genome, 39: 379-394 


[1]  漆小泉,王玉兰,陈晓亚主编,2011。植物代谢组学-方法与应用。北京:化学工业出版社。(中文) 


[1]  漆小泉,薛哲勇,段礼新. 帕克醇合成相关蛋白及其编码基因与应用: 中国, ZL200810117225.X. 2011-03-30.  

[2] 漆小泉,薛哲勇,段礼新. 异山柑子萜醇合成相关蛋白及其编码基因与应用: 中国, ZL200810117226.4. 2011-04-20. 

[3] 漆小泉,薛哲勇,刘丹,段礼新. 一种新的三萜合成酶的功能及应用;中国,ZL2011102479987.7. 2013-08-14 

[4] 漆小泉,曹晓花. 一种多重检测基因组DNA多态性的方法及其专用探针;中国,ZL201110121242.2. 2013-10-23. 

[5] 薛哲勇,漆小泉,孙俊聪,段礼新. 一种优化三萜合酶编码基因及其应用;中国,ZL201310002085.2. 2014-03-26 .

[6] 漆小泉,崔光红,靳保龙. SmCPS4蛋白及其编码基因与应用;中国,ZL201410085600.2. 2016-03-02.( 已转让)

[7] 漆小泉,王亚军. 大麦抗叶锈病蛋白及其编码基因与应用;中国,ZL201510312223.6. 2019-01-08.(已转让)

[8] 漆小泉,赵素珍. 一种检测SNP的方法;中国,ZL201410778560.X. 2019-06-11. (已转让)

[9] 漆小泉,池旭,张英春. 一种用于新一代测序分析的多重目的DNA片段富集方法;中国,ZL201210253791.X. 2016-3-30. (已转让)

[10] 漆小泉,段礼新. 一种区分假阳性质谱峰信号且定量校正质谱峰面积的代谢组学方法;中国,ZL201610346054.2. 2018-06-01.

[11] 漆小泉薛哲勇张英春徐霞刘丹. 一种制备育性减低植物的方法;中国,ZL201710802863.4. 2020-05-15.

[12] 漆小泉薛哲勇张英春徐霞刘丹. 一种制备育性减低植物的方法;中国,ZL201280006361.6. 2017-10-10.(已转让)

[13] 漆小泉,谭政委,薛哲勇. 水稻鞘醇合成相关蛋白及其编码基因与应用;中国,ZL201610509844.8. 2019-08-20.

[14] 漆小泉,张英春,池旭,段礼新. 利用多重PCR富集目标DNA片段的方法. 中国,ZL201910379847.8. 2021-01-15.

[15] 漆小泉,张英春,冯来宝,池旭. 一种多重PCR方法. 中国,ZL201910380299.0. 2021-01-15.

[16] 漆小泉,张英春,冯来宝,池旭. 一种筛选水稻目的基因突变体的方法. 中国,ZL201910379866.0. 2020-12-08.

[17] 漆小泉,孙俊聪,薛哲勇. 一种与木栓酮合成相关的基因及其应用. 中国,ZL201711339630.1. 2021-04-13.

[18] 漆小泉,周媛,薛哲勇. 一种制备水稻湿度敏感型雄性不育材料的方法及相关基因. 中国,ZL201710403388.3. 2020-04-14.(已转让)

[19] 漆小泉,马爱民,宋波.  Os07g0503900蛋白在调控植物对杂草抗性中的应用. 中国,ZL202010169781.2.(已转让)

[20] 漆小泉,马爱民,宋波. 麦黄酮-5-O-葡萄糖糖苷在调控植物对杂草抗性中的应用. 中国, ZL202010169977.1.(已转让)