姓  名: 朱相云
职务/职称: 研究员
联系电话: (86)-010-62836111
课 题 组: 种子植物分类研究组

中国科学院植物研究所,研究员,博士生导师。1984年毕业于兰州大学,获学士学位,1990年毕业于中国科学院植物研究所,获硕士学位,1999年毕业于日本东北大学,获理学博士学位。19841987年在西北农林科技大学(原中国科学院西北植物研究所)工作,1990年至1995年、2001年至今在中国科学院植物研究所工作,1999年至2001年在中国科学院植物研究所博士后站工作。分别荣获1998中国科学院科技进步三等奖(第三完成人)、2001年度中国科学院优秀博士后称号及2006中国科学院优秀博士后荣誉称号。现任职国际维管植物命名委员会委员“Journal of Japanese Botany”期刊副主编(2019-)及“Nordic Journal of Botany”期刊学科编辑(2015-)等。任第十三届民盟中央生态环境委员会委员。在多年的科研工作中,发表1个新族、1个新属、1个新组、20个新种、3个新名称、37个新组合及处理121个新异名。共发表论文论著102篇(部)。主要成绩如下:

1)负责中国豆科信息与服务中心(CLDIS工作:与ILDIS(国际豆科信息与服务)签署协议,获批中英合作项目《中国豆科植物:数据库与信息服务系统建设》,圆满完成各项任务,“Legumes of China”一书正是在这样的背景下完成的。该书系统的涵盖了中国豆科属与种(类群)的接受名、异名及其原始文献、种的分布、物候期以及描述、绘图、地图及中文名等信息,确认中国豆科植物含3亚科、33族、180属、1670种(含1杂种)、33亚种、233变种及39变型。其中发表3新种、3新变种、1新名称、1中国新记录种、27新组合、89新异名、182外来种(含1杂种、3亚种、9变种及1变型)以及687中国特有种(含12亚种、170变种及37变型);

2)专科专属研究:通过开展中国棘豆属的分类学研究,确立中国棘豆属为3个亚属、20个组的新分类系统,完成了“Systematics of Chinese Oxytropis DC.(Leguminosae)1999-2000专著及“Flora of China”10卷中棘豆属133种的编研工作(2010),为全面开展世界棘豆属的分类修订奠定了坚实的基础;出版豆科植物模式集“Catalogue of the type specimens preserved in the Herbarium of Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (PE) Leguminosae (1)2003-2004“Catalogue of the type specimens of Oxytropis DC. (Leguminosae)(1)2000,开启国内重视模式标本考证新征程;发表豆科新族紫藤族(Wisterieae)1994)和新属异齿豆属(Ohashia)2021),为世界豆科系统分类提供基本素材;完成了一带一路项目缅甸豆科物种多样性编目,出版了An Inventory of Legume Species Diversity of Myanmar”专著,为参加后续“Flora of Myanmar”的筹建工作奠定了基础;

3)服务社会需求:完成了《中国生物物种名录》第一卷 植物 种子植物第四卷(2015)和《中国药用植物志》第五卷(上下册)(2016)编研工作,为社会需求和植物资源的开发和利用提供基础资料;







缅甸豆科植物物种多样性编目 院东南亚中心区域性国际合作基金 2017-2019

世界鱼藤属(豆科)的分类修订 面上基金 2016-2019

世界槐属(豆科)的分类修订 面上基金 2013-2016

大豆属(豆科)的分类修订 面上基金 2010-2012

葛属(豆科)的分类修订 院经典分类 2007-2009

甘草属(豆科)的分类学研究 面上基金 2006-2008

轮叶棘豆类群(豆科)的分类修订 面上基金 2003-2005

米口袋属与高山豆属(豆科)的系统学研究 面上基金 2002-2004

中国豆科植物数据库建设 面上基金 2002-2003

中国棘豆属(豆科)的分类学研究 1995-1999

青藏高原及其临近地区植物区系及分布格局研究 二级课题主持(中国科学院创新工程方向性项目:豆科子课题)2000-2004



《泛喜马拉雅植物志》的编研 基金委国际合作项目 2012-2016

泛喜马拉雅地区植物综合考察与植物志编研 科技部 2013-2018




102. Huang, T. R., J. H. Chen, K. E. Hummer, L. A. Alice, W. H. Wang,Y. He, S. X. Yu, M. F. Yang, T. Y. Chai, X. Y. Zhu*, L. Q. Ma* & H. Wang*, 2023. Phylogeny of Rubus (Rosaceae): Integrating molecular and morphological evidence into an infrageneric revision  Taxon 72 (2): 278-306.


101. Zhang R. P., Y. F. Huang & X. Y. Zhu*, 2021. Ohashia, a new genus of Derris-like Millettioid legumes (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) as revealed by molecular phylogenetic evidence  Taxon 70 (6): 1219–1228.

100. Zhu X. Y.*, 2021. A response to “Comments on author citations for nomenclatural novelties published in volume 15 of the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (FRPS)” by Y. L. Peng & L. B. Zhang, with a reference to all nomenclatural novelties and all authors of taxonomic accounts in this volume  Phytotaxa 512 (2): 112–116.

▲99. Zhu X. Y., R. P. Zhang & Y. L. He, 2021. An Inventory of Legume Species Diversity of Myanmar China Mizu University Press, Beijing. pp. 1-297.

98. Zu K. L., Z. H. Wang*, X. Y. Zhu, J. Lenoir, N. Shrestha, T. Lyu, A. Luo, Y. Q. Li a, C. J. Ji, S. J. Peng, J. J. Meng & J. Zhou, 2021. Upward shift and elevational range contractions of subtropicalmountain plants in response to climate change  Sci. Total Environ. 783: 1-10.


97. 朱相云*、刘全儒,2020. 2018版《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》(深圳法规)的主要变化 生物学通报 55(4): 11-15

96. Zhang R. P., S. R. Zhang, J. X. Wang & X. Y. Zhu*, 2020. New Records ofLeguminosae for Flora of Myanmar  J. Jpn. Bot. 95(2): 115-122.

95. Zhang R. P. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2020. Two New Records of Leguminosae for Flora of Myanmar  J. Jpn. Bot. 95(1): 51-54.


94. Zu K. L., A. Luo, N. Shrestha, Z. H. Wang* & X. Y. Zhu*, 2019. Altitudinal biodiversity patterns of seed plants along Gongga Mountain in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau  Ecol. Evol. 9: 9586–9596.

93. Zhang R. P. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2019. A new record of Indigofera cordifolia (Leguminosae) from Myanmar J. Jpn. Bot. 94 (3): 187-189.

92. 朱相云、张若鹏,2019. 寻觅缅甸豆科植物 人与生物圈 117: 30-32

91. Xia C. Y. , R. G. Sudhindra, X. L. Zhao, T. V. Do, X. Y. Zhu, Y. Qin, H. P. Deng & S. X. Yu2019. Impatiens maculifera sp. nov. (Balsaminaceae) Yunnan, China  Nordic J. Bot. 2019: e02422 doi: 10.1111/njb.02422.


90. Jin X. H., X. Y. Zhu & Z. Mint, 2018. Triuridaceae, A new familial record of angiosperm from Myanmar  J. Trop. Subtrop. Bot. 26(1): 79-81.


89. 朱相云,2017. 《墨尔本法规》中的后选模式原白概念及其应用 生物多样性 25 (8): 904-906

88. Yang Y., X. Y. Zhu & J. Wiersema, 2017. Nomenclature notes on Phoebe chekiangensis (Lauraceae) Taxon 66 (1): 165–166.


87. 朱相云,2016. 浅谈《墨尔本法规》中的采集新命名生物多样性 24(10): 1197–1199

86. Zhang Z. S., X. Y. Zhu, L. L. Li, S. W. Jiang & W. L. Chen*, 2016. A new synonym of Ptilagrostis yadongensis and a new record of Stipa bhutanica to the flora of China (Poaceae)  Phytotaxa 272 (1): 094–096.

85. Yu S. X., S. B. Janssens, X. Y. Zhu, M. Lidén, T. G. Gao & W. Wang*, 2016. Phylogeny of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae): Integrating molecular and morphological evidence into a new classification  Cladistics 32 (2016) : 179–197.

▲84. 朱相云(本卷主编),2016. 中国药用植物志 第五卷 (上、下册) 北京大学医学出版社。pp. 1-1816


83. Zhu, X. Y., 2015. Author citations for nomenclatural novelties published in volume 15 of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (FRPS)  Phytotaxa 226(3): 292-294.

82. 朱相云2015. 中国豆科植物新分类实体和新异名 生物多样性 23(2): 247-251

▲81. 朱相云、陈之端、刘博,2015. 中国生物物种名录 第一卷 植物 IV 册科学出版社。pp. 1-344


80. Zhu X. Y., 2014. To make a clearer definition of “gathering”  Taxon 63(5): 1145-1146.

79. Zhu X. Y., 2014. Proposal to move Appendix I into the main body of the Code as Chapter X  Taxon 63(6): 1385-1386.


78. Liu S., Liu B. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2013. Corrections of wrongly spelled scientific names in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae  J. Syst. Evol. 51(2): 231-234.

77. Li H. L., Wang W., Lin L., X. Y. Zhu, J. H. Li, X. Y. Zhu & Z. D. Chen, 2013. Diversification of the phaseoloid legumes: effects of climate change, range expansion and habit shift  Front. Pl. Sci. 4: 1-8.

§76. 朱相云,2013.豆科等28 印红主编,中国珍稀濒危植物图谱 林业科学出版社。pp. 203-217


75. Meng L., X. Y. Zhu* & J. H. Jr. Kirkbride , 2012. Proposal to conserve the name Glycyrrhiza inflata against G. paucifoliolata (Leguminosae)  Taxon 61(2): 471.


74. Liu W. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2011. Leaf epidermal characters and taxonomic revision of Schizophragma and Pileostegia (Saxifragaceae)  Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 165: 285-314.

73. Choi B. H., Y. Endo & X. Y. Zhu2011. A new species of Hedysarum (Fabaceae, Hedysareae) from Xizang (Tibet), China Korean  J. Pl. Taxon 41(3): 267-270.

72. 赵利清、郭柯、朱相云、陈保瑞,2011. 中国棘豆属(豆科)一新纪录种 植物科学学报 29(2): 248-249.

71. Kirkbride, J. H. Jr. & X. Y. Zhu, 2011. Proposal to reject the name Sophora lupinoides (Leguminosae)  Taxon 60(6): 1779-1780.


70. Endo Y., B.-H. Choi, D. Kakinuma, G. Kenicer, X. Y. Zhu & H. Ohashi, 2010. Molecular Phylogeny of Vicia sect. Amurense (Leguminosae)  J. Jpn. Bot. 85: 337-349.

69. Pan B. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2010. Taxonomic revision of Dumasia (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae)  Ann. Bot. Fennici 47(4): 241-256.

68. Meng L. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2010. Palynological characters of Glycyrrhiza, Glycyrrhizopsis, and Meristotropis (Leguminosae), with special reference to their taxonomic significance  J. Sys. Evo. 48(6): 455-463.

§67. Zhu X. Y., S. L. Welsh & H. Ohashi, 2010. Oxytropis DC. in Wu et Raven (eds.), Flora of China 10: 453-500, Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press.

§66. Zhu X. Y. & K. Larsen, 2010. Chesneya Lind. & Endl. in Wu et Raven (eds.), Flora of China 10: 500-502, Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press.

§65. Zhu X. Y. & K. Larsen, 2010. Chesniella Boriss. in Wu et Raven (eds.), Flora of China 10: 503, Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press.

§64. Zhu X. Y. & K. Larsen, 2010. Halimodendron Fisch. ex DC. in Wu et Raven (eds.), Flora of China 10: 545, Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press.

63. Le Z. F. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2009. Pueraria yunnanensis Franch. (Leguminosae) reinstated  Ann. Bot. Fennici 46: 419-424.

62. Liu W. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2009. The identity of some taxa of Schizophragma (Saxifragaceae)  J. Sys. Evol. 47(2): 151-161.

▲61. Zhu X. Y., F. Y. Du, J. Wen & B. J. Bao, 2007. Legumes of China—a checklist, pp. xxii+868, the University of Reading, Reading, UK.

60. Meng L., X. Y. Zhu* & P. G. Xiao, 2007. Astragalus sichuanensis L. Meng, X. Y. Zhu & Xiao, A New Species from Sichuan Province, China  Nordic J. Bot. 24(4): 419-422.

59. Ren B, X. Y. Zhu* & Y. C. Jiang, 2007. Systematic significance of leaf epidermal features in Apios and Cochlianthus (Leguminosae)  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 45(3): 274-284.

58. Meng L. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2007. The identity of Glycyrrhiza korshinskyi Grig. and G. eglandulosa X. Y. Li (Fabaceae)  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 45(1): 94-97.

57. Zhu X. Y. & Y. F. Du, 2007. Butea xizangensis (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Phaseoleae), a new species from Xizang (Tibet) of China in: Zhu X. Y. & al. (eds.), Legumes of China—a checklist  the University of Reading, Reading, UK.  pp. 627-630.

56. Zhu X. Y. & Y. F. Du, 2007. A new species of Crotalaria L. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Crotalarieae) from Yunnan Province, China in: Zhu X. Y. & al. (eds.), Legumes of China—a checklist  the University of Reading, Reading, UK.  pp. 631-633.

55. Zhu X. Y. & Y. F. Du, 2007. Novelty in the genus Codariocalyx Hassk. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Desmodieae) in: Zhu X. Y. & al. (eds.), Legumes of China—a checklist  the University of Reading, Reading, UK.  pp. 634-635.

54. Zhu X. Y., 2007. Validation of five species and two varieties endemic to China  In: X. Y. Zhu & al. (eds.), Legumes of China—a checklist   the University of Reading, Reading, UK.  pp. 636-639.

53. Zhu X. Y. & J. H. Kirkbride2006. (17511752) Proposals to conserve the names Thermopsis lanceolata and Sophora lupinoides with conserved types (Leguminosae)  Taxon 54(4): 1047-1049.

52. Wang Q., D. L. Dilcher, X. Y. Zhu, Y. L. Zhou & T. A. Lott, 2006. Fruits and leaflets of Wisteria (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from the Miocene of Shandong Provinces, Eastern China  Int. J. Plant Sci.167(5): 1061-1074.

51. 任勃、温洁、乐志芳、朱相云*2006. 土圞儿属和旋花豆属(豆科)的孢粉学研究 西北植物学报 26(5): 949-956

50. 孟雷、朱相云* 2006. 乌拉尔甘草(豆科)的3个新异名 西北植物学报 26(6): 2574-2579

49. Ohashi H. & X. Y. Zhu*, 2005 Taxonomic relationship between Desmodium diffusum DC. and D. laxiflorum DC. (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae)  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 43(6)557-560.

48. Zhu X. Y. & T. Hong, 2005. Validation and neotypification of Paeonia rockii subsp. linyanshanii (Paeoniaceae)  Taxon 54(3): 806-807.

47. Zhu X. Y., 2005. A taxonomic revision of Tibetia (Leguminosae- Papilionoideae-Galegeae)  Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 148: 475-488.

46. Zhu X. Y., 2005. Pollen and seed morphology of Gueldenstaedtia and Tibetia (Fabaceae)  Nordic J. Bot. 23(3): 373-384.

45. Zhu X. Y., 2005. A new species of Oxytropis from Shanxi Province, China  Nordic J. Bot. 23(3): 279-282.

44. Zhu X. Y., 2005. A revision of Astragalus penduliflorus complex  Nordic J. Bot. 23(3): 283-294.

43. Zhu X. Y., 2005. An ornamental plant, Wisteria floribunda (Will.) DC. f. violaceo-plena (Schneider) Rehder & Wilson, is newly recorded to China  Bull. Bot. Res. 25(1): 18.

▲42. Zhu X. Y. & Y. F. Du, 2003-2004. Catalogue of the type specimens preserved in the Herbarium of Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (PE) Leguminosae (1)  China Meteorological Press.  pp. 1-186.

41. Zhu X. Y., 2004. Validation of Oxytropis xinglongshanica C. W. Chang  Taxon 53(3): 806.

40. Zhu X. Y.2004. A revision of the genus Gueldenstaedtia (Fabaceae)  Ann. Bot. Fennici 41(4): 283-291.

39. Zhu X. Y.2004. Novelty in Tibetia (Leguminosae) for China  Novon 14(2): 244.

38. Zhu X. Y.2004. Oxytropis lhasaensis (Fabaceae), a new species from Xizang (Tibet) in China, with supplementary notes on the section Sericopetala  Ann. Bot. Fennici 41(6): 495-497.

37. Zhu X. Y.2004. Outline of the classified system of the Chinese Leguminosae  Bull. Bot. Res. 24(1): 20-27.

36. Jiang Y.C., X. Y. Zhu*, Y. F. Du & H. Ohashi, 2004. A new species of Crotalaria L. (Leguminosae) from Zhejiang Province, China  J. Jpn. Bot. 79(6): 373-375.

35. Zhu X. Y., 2003. (062)-(063) Proposals to simplify author citation  Taxon 52: 638.

34. Zhu X. Y. & H. Ohashi, 2003. Hylodesmum lancangense, a new combination from Yunnan, China  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 41(6): 573-574.

33. Zhu X. Y. & H. Ohashi, 2003. Notes on Leguminosae of Flora of China in Chinese edition  Bull. Bot. Res. 23(2): 146.

32. 朱相云,2003. 非典来时说黄芪 植物杂志 2003(3): 32

31. Zhu X. Y., Y. F. Du & H. Ohashi2002. A new species of Oxytropis (Leguminosae) from Xizang (Tibet)in China  Novon 12(3): 430-432.

30. Zhu X. Y., 2002. Proposal to conserve the name Thermopsis lanceolata (Leguminosae) with a conserved type  Guihaia 22(2): 105-106.

29. 朱相云,2002.黄芪属与雀儿豆属的定界问题以米林黄芪为例谈谈对二属的认识 植物研究 22(3): 275-277

28. Zhu X. Y. & H. Ohashi, 2002. A new record species to Flora of Tibet  Bull. Bot. Res. 22(1): 6-7.

27. 朱相云、杜玉芬. 2002. 中国豆科植物外来种之研究 植物研究 22(2):139-159.

§26. 朱相云, 2002. 金合欢、银合欢及荆豆 李振宇、解炎主编,中国外来入侵种: 18,19,21,中国林业出版社。

25. 朱相云,2001. 中国一新记录亚种多褶果黧豆(豆科) 植物研究 213):344-345

24. Zhu X. Y. & H. Ohashi, 2001. Dendrolobium rugosum (Prain) Schindler(Leguminosae), a new record to China  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 39(5): 477-480.

23. Wang Q., C. Y. Yang, X. Y. Zhu* & H. Ohashi, 2001. A new species of Oxytropis (Leguminosae) from Xingjiang, China  J. Jpn. Bot. 76(4): 219-221.

§22. 朱相云,2001. 棘豆属 付立国等主编,中国高等植物 7:351-381,青岛出版社。

▲21. Zhu X. Y. &H. Ohashi, 2000. Systematics of Chinese Oxytropis DC. (Leguminosae)  Cathaya 11-12: 1-218. International Academic Publishers, Beijing.

▲20. Zhu X. Y., Y. F. Du & H. Ohashi, 2000. Catalogue of the type specimens of Oxytropis DC. (Leguminosae)(1). China Science & Technology Press, Beijing.  pp. 1-149.

19. Zhu X. Y., Y. F. Du & H. Ohashi, 2000. A new Oxytropis species (Leguminosae) from Xinjiang in China  J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 289-291.

18. Zhu X. Y., H. Ohashi & Y. B. Deng, 1999. Four new species of Oxytropis from China  J. Jpn. Bot. 74(2)63-71.

17. Zhu X. Y., H. Ohashi & S. F. Li, 1999. A new species of Oxytropis from Xizang (Tibet), China  J. Jpn. Bot. 74(3): 130-132.

16. Zhu X. Y., H. Ohashi & L. R. Xu, 1999. A new species of Oxytropis from Xinjiang, China  J. Jpn. Bot. 74(3): 133-135.

15. Zhu X. Y., H. Ohashi & Y. B. Deng, 1999. A new species of Oxytropis from North and Northwest China J. Jpn. Bot. 74(3): 127-129.

14. 朱相云1996. 黄芪复合体(豆科)核型研究补充材料 广西植物 16(1): 61-63

13. 朱相云1996. 雀儿豆属(豆科)的订正 植物分类学报 34(5): 558-562

12. 朱相云、陈家瑞,1996. 中国黄芪属一新种 广西植物 15(2): 253-255

11. 朱相云、陈家瑞,1995. 黄芪属一新改级 植物研究 15(1): 51-52

10. 朱相云、葛颂、洪德元,1995. 五加属学名考证及其一些新组合 植物研究 15(4): 441-443

9. 朱相云,1995. 棘豆属刺垫棘豆亚属的订正 植物分类学报 33(2): 179-180

8. Zhu X. Y., 1994. Wisterieae, a new tribe of the family Leguminosae—with special reference to its pollen morphology  Cathaya 6: 115-124.

▲7. Chen X. Q., J. L. Li, X. Y. Zhu & Z. Y. Zhang, 1993. Bibliography of Chinese Systematic Botany (1949-1990). Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou, China.  pp. 1-810.

6. Chen C. J., X. Y. Zhu & Y. M. Yuan, 1992. Cytological studies on the tribe Thermopsideae (Fabaceae) I. Report on karyotypes of eleven species of four genera  Cathaya 4: 103-116.

5. Zhu X. Y. & C. J. Chen, 1991. Taxonomic significance of peptides from seed proteins of Astragalus penduliflorus Lam. complex (Fabaceae) and related taxa  Cathaya 3: 65-72.

4. 洪德元、朱相云1990. 中国黄精族(百合科)610种的核型报道 植物分类学报 28(3): 185-198

3.  Chen C. J. & X. Y. Zhu, 1990.  Karyotypes of Astragalus penduliflorus Lam. complex (Leguminosae) and its cytotaxonomic significance  Cathaya 2: 139-150.

2. 洪德元、张志宪、朱相云1988. 芍药属的研究(1国产几个野生种的核型报道 植物分类学报 26(1): 33-43

1. 洪德元、朱相云1987. 百合科细胞分类学研究(1重楼等610种的核型报道 植物分类学报 25(4): 245-253


1. Zhu X. Y., 2001. Two types of stamens coexisting in Salweenia wardii Baker f. endemic to China  Abstract submitted to the Fourth International Legume Conference Poster.

2. Zhu X. Y., 2001. Chromosome reports on some species of Leguminosae from Xizang (Tibet) in China Abstract submitted to the Fourth International Legume Conference Poster

3. Zhu X. Y., 2001. An outline of Oxytropis DC. in the world  Abstract submitted to the Fourth International